Monday, February 2, 2015

Helping you Create Your Vision

I have been in the remodeling Business for over 20 years. This Large piece of driftwood was a theme piece we installed in John's Creek GA. This Show Piece had 5 Light Sockets. Adjustable heights were provided with 14 gauge SO cord. Low Watt Dimmers and  LED Bulbs create the perfect ambiance for the customers dining in this new restaurant. 

Now, I was concerned with the driftwood splitting during installation. We used wood grade pilot drill bits to displace the 100 year old driftwood. It really was a remodeling challenge. Commercial Wiring is the type project that we excel in performing. We ended up using 1/2 threaded rod to connect to the building steel. We also used 1" 7/8 kindorf uni-strut to support the 9 foot long Lighting Fixture. After everything was said and done, Ziggy looked fabulous. It really did resemble a sea-monster. It is the mission of the Electrician In Cumming GA to provide the finest Service and Warrantied Installations in the North Atlanta Area. 

  • New Electric Construction
  • Fire Protection Consulting
  • Lighting Design
  • Lighting Retrofits
  • Emergency Repairs
Call George Argo @ 678-456-8781 and Schedule an Appointment Now!